On May 24, 2016, Ryan sent Jessica a scavenger hunt made out of their favorite emojis, along with a decoder to crack it. After stumbling her way through (and asking for a bit of help), she finally pieced together a set of GPS coordinates pointing to Bedwell Bayfront Park—a large, hilly park that overlooks the Bay, and where Ryan had supposedly hidden something for Jess to find.
And so Jess biked to Bedwell against 25 MPH winds (Ryan says this is an exaggeration) and followed the GPS coordinates to the highest hill in the park, where Ryan was waiting on a bench under the trees. She arrived sweaty, windswept, and so gross that Ryan, who came forward for a hug, immediately backed away again. (That's love.)
Shout-out to Facebook for letting Jess steal a bike for the afternoon.
And so it was there, in a eucalyptus grove overlooking the Bay, that Ryan asked Jess to marry him. And then they took about 100 selfies and had a post-proposal dinner at Facebook because it was free.
Note: Jessica did not cry. But she did swear a few times, so we can't post the hidden GoPro footage. Here are some stills instead.